Thursday, September 26, 2013

Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Mina over at Mina's Bookshelf ! She is so sweet and has been very supportive of me as I have added on to my blog. She always has something nice and encouraging to say and I am so grateful to her. I have been blogging such a short time and it has been a steep learning curve let me tell you, but I have loved every minute of it! This award is given to bloggers by fellow bloggers who have less than 200 followers to help get a boost in exposure and hopefully give readers a chance to see some of the smaller blogs that are out there doing great things around the web. Hop on over to Mina's Bookshelf and show her some love to. Thanks Mina, you rock girlie!

Now here are the answers to Mina's questions:

1.  Best book(s) you've read this year?
One of the best books I read this year is Nearly Departed in Deadwood by Ann Charles. Her book had me in stitches as well as on the edge of my seat. I also really, really like the Beauty of Man and Woman (BOMAW) series by Mercedes Keyes, this series made me break all of my general rules for buying eBooks and I don't regret it at all!

2.  Upcoming release(s) you anticipate the most? 
This is a hard one, there are a few coming up that I am anxiously awaiting. Book 13 of BOMAW by Mercedes Keyes, Up from the Grave by Jeaniene Frost, The King by J.R. Ward, and of course the latest in my hero Diana Gabaldon's series Written in My Own Heart's Blood.

3.  Favorite author(s)?
Diana Gabaldon,  J.R. Ward, Jeaniene Frost, Mercedes Keyes, Terry Goodkind, and George R.R. Martin.

4.  Is fan-fiction something you would consider as a reader or a writer?
I would read fan-fiction, I enjoy seeing others creativity especially when it's done from the love of a character or world created by a favored author.

5.  Would you like to write a sequel for a book you loved? 
I am not a gifted writer, but if boy do I have ideas about what I would like to see continued in several different series.

6.  Is there any author you would like to meet?
Oh yeah, I could throw one heck of a dinner party with all of the writers that I would love to meet.

7.  What would you ask him/her?
I would mostly want to know how they came up with their individual worlds. I am constantly amazed by what I read and experience in a really good story.

8.  Your favorite reading nook? Bed, sofa, a bench at the park?
Bed and sofa. Sofa so that I can at least seem to be in the same room as my family and in bed when I really need to get away and escape into another world.

9.  Book or e-reader?
Definitely e-reader! I fought getting one for so long and my husband just bought me one one year for my birthday and I have been hooked every since. I never thought that I could love it as much as the wonderful smell of a "real" book. I have always loved the smell of libraries, bookstores, and the wonderful scent you get when you quickly flip the pages of an old well read book. (Yeah, I've had it bad) But now I have my "Precious", my Kindle Fire. I take it everywhere with me just like a toddler with their favorite blanket. You will seriously never catch me without it. You never know when you may have a minute to sneak in a little reading. I've gone off without it a couple of times and I almost got the shakes! Thank goodness for the handy dandy app on my phone!

10. Which novel would you like to see on the big screen and who would you cast for the lead roles? 
My dreams are coming true! True Blood, 50 Shades of Grey, Game of Thromes, and now Outlander being done by Starz, I'm a happy girl... 

The Ladies that I would like to nominate:

Emily at Mrs B's Books
Argyle Doll
Amanda at Go Book Yourself
Barbara Ann at Sun Mountain Reviews

I only have 8 blogs to nominate, but they are ones that I really do enjoy, so please stop by their blogs and show them some love.

There are a few rules:

1. Link back the blogger that tagged you
2. Nominate 10 others and answer the questions of the one who tagged you
3. Ask 10 questions for the bloggers you nominate
4. Let your nominees know of their award.

Here are the questions for my nominees:

1. What is your all time favorite book?
2. Is there a book that you thought that you would not like that you ended up really enjoying?
3. What is the best comment that you have received by an author, other blogger, or blog reader?
4. What is the best thing about blogging for you?
5. What is the most frustrating thing about blogging for you?
6. If you could live the life of any of the characters that you have read about who would it be?
7. Is there a character that you love to hate? You can't say J.R. Ewing! (oops my age is showing)
8. Are you a re-reader?
9. If you could change the ending of any book or series which would it be and why?
10. What is your ultimate goal for your blog?

Thanks again to Mina, I am really honored to be a recipient of this award and am happy to pass it on!


  1. Congratulations, Monica! Well-deserved award :)

  2. Congratulations on the award! I enjoy following your blog :)

  3. Thanks Mina & Barbara Ann!!! This has made my week!

  4. Monlat, Thank you so much for nominating my blog! You rock, chickie!!

  5. You guys deserve it Tessamari, keep doing your thing!


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