About this Blog

Welcome to Monica Is Reading!

 My blog features an eclectic mix of fiction. Literary fiction, African American fiction and romance, interracial romances, Science Fiction/Fantasy to bikers, there is room for everything; even a bit of erotic romance. I enjoy it all. I'm an unashamed and dedicated book hoarder. This blog is a place for me to spread the book goodness and all that is exciting in my book world. I feature both new releases and older backlist titles. There's nothing more exciting than discovering new to me authors!

I'm a newly 50 year old empty nester, except for a slightly manic schnauzer named Bubba. I am married to my high school sweetheart who is active duty military. I absolutely love the life that being in the military has given to us, and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We have lived in some great (and not so great) places over the years and we still have a few more moves before military retirement. I still haven't quite figured out what I want to be when I grow up, but I have made some good friends and have had some great experiences along the way.

I'm an NPR junkie and book-aholic. I've been an avid reader my entire life, and I love talking about and sharing the books that I find. I try to feature as many diverse authors and stories as I can find here on the blog. I hope that my blog will help other readers find and enjoy books that they may not have otherwise thought to try. I'm always looking for recommendations, so please feel free to let me know what you are reading and enjoying!

I welcome review requests, just please hop over and read my review request policy here. I adore physical books, but I also love my Kindle so eARCs are welcome as well. 

I also have an Etsy shop called Dreaming Of Celie where I sell bookish merchandise like specialized book sleeve, book themed coffee mugs, and bookmarks. 

This is my sweet boy, Bubba. Because of his cuteness he gets away with way more than he should. 

Case in point, but can you blame me? He's totally cute! I have to confess, this picture represents one of my favorite activities.

Shameless Social Media Plugs:
•(♥).•*Monica Is Reading*•.(♥)•

 Twitter: @monicaisreading 
Instagram: @readermonica 
Pinterest: Monica Reeds
My Goodreads Group: The Black Bookcase


  1. Hi Monica,

    I have nominated you for the Shine On Award:


    I enjoy reading your reviews!

  2. Barbara Ann you're a doll! Thanks for stopping by and the nomination!! I'm bouncing in my seat!

  3. I know I am totally late with my comment, but I agree with you. So many older books are just forgotten. While I do like the latest books, I still love the old ones too.

  4. Oh, by the way...I nominated you for the Liebster Awards. Please check out the details here: http://www.mybookhabit.com

  5. Hi! I'm new to your blog and I am sooo thankful you have an interracial section here!! Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!! I am sooo looking forward to purchasing and reading The Sweetest Taboo!! and the Battaglia Mafia series!!

  6. Hi! I am new to your blog and I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank YOU for your interracial section!! I am so excited about purchasing/reading The Sweetest Taboo, and The Battaglia Mafia series!!

    1. I'm so glad that you found and enjoyed visiting here on my blog! I discovered and started reading IR right after I started Monlatable Book Reviews so I am still discovering authors. There aren't tons of blogs that are solely IR but I have fallen in love with the sub-genre so keep checking back I add as often as possible. Also check me out on Pinterest. I add extra IR books & sales there as well! http://www.pinterest.com/monlatable/

      Happy Reading!

  7. checking out your blog and i love your reviews and layout @michieczar.

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm glad that you enjoyed my blog.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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