Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shadow Fall (Shadow Series) by Erin Kellison Review


The opening scene actually made me cringe a little because it is so descriptive and sucks you in right away. The story revolves around Custo, a soldier for the Segue Institute, a group dedicated to fighting the evil forces that are trying to infiltrate and take over the world, and Annabella a young ballet dancer on the cusp of having a successful ballet career, but also about to discover a gift she couldn't fathom before it terrifyingly manifests. Custo, after giving his life in order to protect his best friend and his wife becomes an angel. A very grumpy and anxious angel, but an angel none the less. Custo, having no patience for eternal happiness decides to take matters into his own hands and goes AWOL from heaven through deciept and trickery in order to get back to Earth and the fight he feels it's his duty to participate in. 

Through ballet Annabella feels whole and it is through her dancing that she weaves a powerful magic that has repercussions that would change her life forever.Because of her magic not only does Custo return to the world but he unwittingly brings the Wolf through as well. The characters in the world Kellison has created are fascinating, so much so that during the book I couldn't help but want to read their own stories as well. Shadowman, although he is literally Death, is a compelling character and I think that I am actually going to read his story before I read book one. Shadowman is tormented because his love, Kathleen, was taken from him and he is determined to get her back. Luca is an angel who also happens to be Custo's great great uncle and leads a group of angels on Earth whose command post is in the White Tower where they monitor and organize the fight against the evils in the world. 

If you are looking for something a little outside of the norm but that still has a little sexiness give this one a try I am sure glad that I had the opportunity to delve into something darker than I would normally read. 

Happy Reading!

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.** 

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