Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Entangled Moments by Dori Lavelle

A deadly accident can take a life in more than one way.

Four years ago, Carlene Adams made a deadly mistake. A tragic accident derailed the future she'd hoped for, taking the life of the man she'd planned to spend forever with. 

As a self-imposed penance for her solitary sin, Carlene has given up on every dream she ever had. She has committed to spend every remaining moment trying to make up for that one instance when everything changed.

Then she gets a second chance.

When Carlene meets Nick Johnson, the single kiss they share awakens the desires she shoved aside for so long. Suddenly she wants more than what she believe she deserves. Will she ever see him again? And if she does, what will that mean for her?

A thing of fate.

Leaving the life she built on regret, Carlene waits for fate to intervene. But just as she begins to believe in a fresh start, she's forced to realize a horrible truth—one with the power to send her second chance crashing before it even takes off. 

Nick isn't who she thought he was. She isn't the girl he believed her to be, either. Their lives were intertwined even before they met, and if Carlene tells him the truth, she’ll risk tearing them apart—for good.

** Due to sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. **

About the Author:

Dori Lavelle is a mother, wife, and lover of happy endings and mint chocolate. She thinks love and chocolate make such a perfect pair. Give her a great romance novel and a mug of hot chocolate and she'd be one happy woman. Don't forget to leave behind a couch with lots of cushions. And maybe light the fireplace?

Where to find Dori:

A sneak peek into Entangled Moments

I should have gotten out of the cradle of his arms immediately, but my body wouldn’t cooperate with my head. It had been a long time since I’d felt so safe in someone’s arms.
When Nick lowered his lips to mine and kissed me, I didn’t flinch. His kiss was a whisper at first, as if he was testing me to see if I’d fight him. When I didn’t, he gently nibbled my lips and probed my tongue with his.
My stomach swirled and somewhere inside my head, a tiny voice reprimanded me. I pretended not to hear. My body felt as if it had been plugged into an electrical outlet. I returned his kiss fervently. Nothing about this felt wrong. In fact, nothing had ever felt so right.
From a distance, people talked, someone slurped a drink, coins jingled, and a love song played in the background.
I wound my arms around Nick’s neck, and he buried his hands in my hair, unraveling it from its ponytail.
Suddenly, he pulled away, still gazing at me. His arms were still around my waist. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”
“It’s... It’s okay.” I bit my lip, relishing the remains of our coffee kiss.
His arms dropped to his sides, and he pushed his hands into his pockets, as if to restrain them. “I never do things like that. You are so...beautiful.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. That should never have happened.”
Words were lodged in my throat. I wanted to say that I didn’t regret what happened. That he’d made me feel alive again, if just for a moment.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for hosting. Wishing you a great day.



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