Thursday, April 16, 2015

Surviving Harmony (Pretty Wings Chronicles, #1) by AF Diamond Review

SURVIVING HARMONY  is most of all a story of survival. Aislin survived a horrific trauma when she was a teenager that could have destroyed a weaker person. What happens not only mars her body but rocks her right down to the foundation of who she is. Instead of allowing what happened rob her of happiness and success Aislin manages to carve out a touted career as a writer, spearheads a successful company, created strong and supportive friendships, all while continuing to battle the fallout from her experience. Despite all of her efforts Aislin's fiercely guarded anonymity is exposed and a new threat that she has to survive.

Although Taylor is famous and sought after by lots of women he is still down to earth enough to want a "real" woman. I enjoy a romance that has a slow burn that builds over time until the moment when they come together and it seems that much more special. That is what we get with Taylor and Aislin. They both have issues that keep them from immediately reaching for what they want. Another bonus in SURVIVING HARMONY is the unexpected humor that is brought through by Diamond's strong secondary characters. They all have full and fun personalities and bring a lot to the story.  

SURVIVING HARMONY  is a contemporary romance done right. Diamond has created likable and most importantly relatable characters. A.F. Diamond has given her readers an entertaining story and left me exactly the way that I want to feel at the end of a book. Happy but wanting more. I look forward to getting more from these fun and dynamic characters. 

Happy Reading!

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**


The author… 

Aislin Somers walks through life haunted by the monsters of a past she can’t escape. For twelve years she has shut herself off from the real world, but her rising success as an author forces her into the spotlight where she’ll have to face her fears. Will shedding her anonymity and stepping out of the shadows allow a New Monster to find a way to her doorstep? 

The actor… 

Taylor Mandrake is a rising star. Often spotted with several of Hollywood’s sexiest starlets, he’s developed a reputation as a bit of a playboy—willing to share his bed but never his heart. Until he meets her. 

He’s everything she could ever want. 

However, his past may be all it takes to convince Aislin that he can’t be trusted with her fragile heart. 

When these two guarded souls come together, will they be able to survive the monsters of their pasts in order to embrace the love of their future?

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