Monday, February 15, 2016

What Are You Reading Monday

I'm trying a new feature here on the blog and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I know that I will. I love hearing about what fellow book lovers are reading. A large portion of my TBR list is because someone sent me a recommendation or I read a review by someone I follow. I do this in a group that I participate in and it's always fun to see what everyone has queued up to read. I know this feature is probably a bad idea since I am a book addict, and I will inevitably add more books to my ever growing mammoth list, but I fully embrace my book weakness. I want to hear about what folks visiting my site are reading too. Let me know what you are reading. Give me the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Happy Reading!


  1. I'm reading Given & Take by Janet Eckford this week

    1. I haven't read those. I look forward to reading your review!


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