Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thrive (Transgenus #1) by K.C. King Review

THRIVE is a good start to a new series by K.C. King. The world building is very good and actually makes complete sense. What I enjoyed the most about this one is the fact that I actually LIKED Kaila. She is smart, strong, and independent without being annoying. Kaila is willing to do what needs to be done in order to protect her small family. Okay, so this review is going to be extremely vague so that I don't risk giving away spoilers! Cole is a good match for Kaila, even with his own agenda, secrets, responsibilities, and complications. King created a cast of secondary characters that I am interested in learning more about in future books as well. 

The slight negative in this story is one that often I run into in the first books of series that have somewhat complicated and detailed worlds. There are a lot of details and descriptions that I sometimes felt were too much. There were a few parts that felt a bit drawn out and slowed down the pace of the story. However, I enjoyed the actual story. King has developed a world that allows for the reader's imagination to run wild at the end of THRIVE. This does not end in a cliffhanger, but a 'I wonder what will happen next.' I do look forward to where King is going to take us next in this series, so I would definitely recommend this as a series to get in on from the start. 

Happy Reading!

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

People had so little control over major events in the world. They couldn’t control the weather. They couldn’t control their own bodies when the sickness came. Kaila was immune to the virus that came like hot rain thickly coating the planet with chaos, sterility and death. Immunity doesn’t last. There will always be some form of virus floating unseen waiting to strike. 

Taking a new job in a decimated community, Kaila is searching for a promising future for herself and her young son. Rebuilding the small town and caring for orphans who survived the pandemic gave meaning to her life. Kaila put order to her tiny piece of the world. She even had an illusion that she could control the path of her life. It was a brief illusion. Kaila never factored in people. 

Coleman March has been fighting an unseen enemy. He and a specialized team of doctors, scientists and biological engineers have been fighting the virus that continuously mutated for over fifteen years. Cole nearly lost his life from the plague, yet he survived only losing some of his humanity. He'd pledged his life to fighting the unseen enemy that had nearly taken his life. Cole held the secret to saving millions of lives. 

Could the knowledge of his secret cost him the one thing he'd never imagined he'd find on a routine re-colonization venture..... 
His one true mate. 

This novel contains hot, romantic situations between a handsome male and the woman he plans on making his for a lifetime.

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