Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Book Sales

Happy Friday folks! This week has flown by but I am ready for the weekend. Here are a few bargains to help get you started!

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Book Haul September 2016 Pt. 1

Let me just go ahead and confess that I lie to myself on a regular basis. Almost every month I tell myself that this month I won't buy many books since I have piles of books that I haven't read yet and they really don't have a permanent home at the moment. Yet, for the last few months I have had such good luck with finding book bargains that continue to call to me that I haven't been able to help myself. I did buy some new books, but I mainly bought books that were either at a thrift store or I found via an online vendor for an excellent price. So that's the justification that I give to myself while I happily add to my growing piles of books. Fall is upon us and winter is coming so there will be plenty of time for me to settle on the couch and dive into all of the book goodness that I have surrounded myself with. This is my favorite time of year and I love everything from the first day of fall straight through the last thaw of winter. I am definitely in my happy place.

 Now that I have justified all of my purchases, I'm ready to share with you my eclectic jumble of goodness! I absolutely love looking through people's bookshelves, it tells you a lot about a who they are and what they like to escape into. So try not to psychoanalyze me too much while looking through my list. Because I bought more than I thought when I started gathering my books for this haul, I am splitting this one into two posts. There are just too many to do individually in one long post. The second half will go up this Saturday!

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Book Sales

Happy Friday folks! Another weekend on the horizon and I'm more than ready! I'm hoping to get a chunk of reading done along with some lazing around on the couch. Here are a few book bargains that will hopefully get you ready for the weekend as well!

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Book Sales

Happy Friday folks! Another week zoomed by and it's time for the weekend. Here are a few book bargains to get your weekend started!

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday Book Sales

Happy Friday folks! I hope all is well and that you are gearing up for a weekend that will include some serious reading time. Here are a few book bargains to get your weekend off to a good start!

Happy Reading!

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