Friday, January 5, 2018

Accepting The Challenge

I have found a reading challenge that will fit in perfectly with the reading black out that I am participating in this year. I see a lot of challenges floating around and I just don't see many that get me overly excited to participate. I have finally come across a tag that will relate to what I actually enjoy reading, as well as make me stretch a bit. 

The challenge was created by The Free Black Women's LibraryIt's a mobile library that is based on the idea of bring one take one for books written by Black women. It's an awesome idea that I wish could be found in every city! The idea of having a concentrated source for Black women writers is awesome. I found The Free Black Women's Library on Instagram and love seeing their posts. (I told y'all I'm loving life over on Instagram.) The amount of book goodness shared from a wide variety of people brings me great joy!

I am very proud to say that I already own a book that will fit almost every challenge on my book shelves. Woo hoo!! This is where book hoarding pays off in a big way! I am going to put this post on the sidebar here for the entire year, so that I can update the list as I read and accomplish each challenge. If this is a challenge that you would be interested in taking up for yourself let me know below. We can stay in touch, recommend books, and generally encourage each other as we read throughout the year. Can you tell that I am more than a little excited about reading this year? 

Where you can find The Black Women's Library: 

Facebook  Instagram  Tumblr

You can find the original post explaining the challenge on Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to get a little more information about what the challenge is all about. She is encouraging everyone to use the hashtags listed below when posting about the books that they read for the challenges. I'll be using them across my social media platforms.

#TFBWL2018 #TFBWLReadingChallenge #FreeBlackWomensLibrary #BlackWomanBibliophile #BooksbyBlackWomen

The Free Black Women’s Library Reading Challenge for 2018.

  1. A vintage Black Feminist or Womanist Text (published before 1999)
  2. A contemporary Black Feminist or Womanist text (published between 1999 and now)
  3. An LGBTQ centered book that is fiction, poetry or short story collection
  4. An LGBTQ centered book that is non fiction, memoir, autobiography, collection of essays 
  5. A book by a revolutionary/freedom fighter/political organizer or abolitionist
  6. A book on self care, lifestyle strategy or personal development
  7. A book on beauty, hair, fashion, art or style 
  8. A romance or erotica novel
  9. A book that centers friendship between women 
  10. A YA novel
  11. An award winning novel or classic must read 
  12. Any book by Toni Morrison 
  13. Any book by Alice Walker 
  14. Any book by Zora Neale Hurston 
  15. Any book by Octavia Butler 
  16. A book by a Caribbean author
  17. A book by an African author 
  18. An Afro-futurist novel (science fiction, speculative, fantasy) 
  19. A book on health and healing (mental, emotional or physical) 
  20. A book on spirituality, religion or sacred ideology
  21. A book that takes place in your hometown
  22. A book with a one word title 
  23. A book with a name in the title 
  24. An book that came out in the past year 
  25. A book recommended by someone you love, trust or respect 
  26. A book that is or became a play or film 
  27. An urban fiction story 
  28. A memoir or autobiography
  29. A book where characters speak Patois, Creole, Geechee, Black vernacular/slang, non standard English
  30. A book that centers disability or has differently abled characters 
  31. A banned book


  1. ooooooo! I may have to check the Free Black Women's Challenge

  2. I love this! If only I had the time to commit and read like I used to. I have to cut back a lot in order to get writing done, but this may be something I'll do next year!

    1. Your writing would definitely take precedence, but I hope that you can sneak in a few good books this year!

    2. My goal is to read 25 which is looooow for me lol but it's all I can do!

    3. With your busy life 25 books is a great goal!

  3. This sounds like a great reading challenge Monica! Good luck. I look forward to see what books you'll be reading.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Rachel! This is going to be a fun challenge.


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