Friday, October 25, 2013

Theirs to Keep (Tangled Hearts Trilogy #1) Review

I debated quite a bit with myself over whether or not I would have this be the first book by Maya Banks that I would read. My main concern was that it is a menage book and I had not read anything in this genre before. Surprisingly, after having read Theirs to Keep, the menage element was not my main problem with this book. The premise of the book is solid. Elle, the female protagonist wakes up face down by a lake and she doesn't know who she is or what has happened to her. The book opens with Elle desperately needing to find shelter so that she can feel safe and get warm just long enough to figure out what she will do next. She has an unerring need to run and hide from "him", she doesn't know who he is or why she is in danger, she just knows that her battered body and the urgency she feels can' be ignored. 

Cade and Merrick, the two male protagonists, appear when responding to an alarm that Elle triggers after desperately breaking into a building to seek shelter. This is a really good set up to the story and I had high hopes for where it would lead. The main problem I ultimately had with this story, surprisingly, has more to do with the relationship between Cade and Merrick than with the sexual relationship among Cade, Merrick, and Elle. Cade and Merrick are both very much alpha males, they have been friends since childhood, had never before thought of sharing a woman that they were interested in before, yet they had way too little trouble making the decision to both be with Elle. 

I honestly wanted more conflict. I wanted Cade and Merrick to have had to hash out how things would work between the three of them. I wanted there to be realistic jealously and conflict between Cade and Merrick as they figured out how each would fit together and separately with Elle. There is no way in my mind that  two dominant male personalities would be able to love the same woman, have a physical romantic relationship with that woman and not have major adjustments to make.  All in all I enjoyed this one and will definitely continue on with the series.

Happy Reading!



When Cade Walker and Merrick Sullivan find Elle hiding in the cabinet of a gun store, they know they can’t just walk away from the fragile woman with no memory of who she is or who tried to kill her. Merrick is training for the title shot in the heavyweight division as a mixed martial artist and can’t afford distractions, but neither can he turn his back on the woman who tugs at his heartstrings.

Elle feels safe with her two protectors, and the longer she spends with them, the more she realizes that she has no desire to remember her past. Not when it could compromise her future with Cade and Merrick.

Cade has his own set of issues when it comes to Elle, and it quickly becomes clear to the two men that for the first time in their friendship, a woman is coming between them. But what if they just kept her there? Between them. Where she belongs.

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