Thursday, June 12, 2014

Midlife by Harry Pants

Thirty one years of marriage has left Masey bored and sexually frustrated. When her husband, Wally, ruins a night of potential foursome play she sets off on her own for Bali or Thailand... or wherever the hell else she can land, leaving Wally drunk, bruised and naked on the front lawn.
Bereft and confused, what's a guy to do? Find an ill-mannered mentor, an internet profile in need of some honesty, read a good - or not so good - book and find some purple rope... lots of purple rope.
Hysterical, brutal and crude, Harry Pants crafts a tale that will make you chuckle even as you wince. The language is harsh, the imagery startling and the characters are probably your next door neighbors. F-bombs galore follow Wally as he discovers his own coming of age - thirty years past due, yet still just as confusing. Like all good life revelations, it ends with a smile, a sweet touch that will leave you content when the story closes.

If you have a sense of humor and are not easily offended - then this is the book for you.


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