Friday, June 27, 2014

Relentless by M. H Heyer

Arabella never expected to be a single parent in her forties. When she got married, in her mind, it was for life. But, as life sometimes does, it throws a curve ball, and decides a different fate for you. 

So here she was, forty-four, single, two children at University and free from an abusive marriage. She is not unhappy with her life – she has her own business, which keeps her busy, and she has accepted her loneliness as part of being a single parent and staying off the grid in case her ex-husband finds her. 

Fate then throws another curve ball. This one threatens to disrupt her well ordered life and turn it upside down, changing everything she knows; her perceptions, her thinking, her experiences... her life. 

Fabian is a wealthy Italian property developer who just doesn’t understand the concept of the word ‘no’; despite the fact that he is engaged, about to be married. His relentless pursuit of her awakens her latent sexuality, throwing her into a vortex of desire, lust, guilt and indecision. 

She can’t deny her attraction to him but there are good reasons to stay away, reasons he keeps telling her are unimportant. One of those reasons is the not insignificant fact, that he is only a few years older than her son. 

Her dilemma is intensified, when her children discover the secret life she has been leading behind their backs, and they present her with a devastating ultimatum.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like drama ! But a heroin in her 40s is so rare I've got to read that ;)


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