Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Call Me Lucky (The Call Center Series BK2) by Caroline Bell Foster Review

CALL ME LUCKY was a nice coming of age romance set in England. The story of Fliss a young woman struggling to overcome many challenges the best way that she can. Fliss' mother is an unbalanced woman who openly prostitutes herself even to the point of causing a humiliating incident when Fliss is a child. Fliss has been in harms way because of her mother's choices from a very young age. With her mother's mental illness, lifestyle choices, and living in poverty Fliss has been left to fend for herself for most of her life. 

Working the night shift in a call center allows Fliss to not only earn a living, but also allows for her to escape the unwanted attentions of her mother's customers. Through her job Fliss finds an unexpected friend and supporter when she fills an order for an older woman, Mrs. Rossington. Mrs. Rossington provides encouragement and support in a way that is both foreign and welcomed by Fliss who has never know the positive affections of a mother figure. 

CALL ME LUCKY is a study in the different expressions of love. From the unhealthy but genuine love of a mother who struggles with her own demons to the love of a friend who wants nothing more than to see you happy. The love of a man who knows your secrets and scars to the love of a man who is still shiny and new who loves you for what you are now not needing to know where you began. This was my first read by Caroline Bell Foster but it won't be my last. 

Happy Reading!

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**


What happens with the night team...

Felicity ‘Fliss’ Pecora didn’t like people. Her background meant she didn’t trust easily and the night shift suited her perfectly. Forced to go on a team night out she bumps into the one person who knew her at her worst.

Teddy couldn’t believe the foul mouthed girl he once knew had changed so little, but still he felt an attraction towards her. He helped her overcome her insecurities and health scare and they were happy and in love until the night their pasts collided.

To love her, was to let her go. But could he? 

About the Author

When I described myself to my friends I called myself an introvert and they laughed so hard I should really be offended.

I also consider myself to be very lucky as although born in Britain, I spent my formative years mostly in Kingston Jamaica with a long detour through Toronto and Nairobi. I married my college sweetheart and we have two kids a rabbit and a cat. I LOVE cats.

I've come full circle and live in Nottingham, just 12 miles from where I was born.

My writing reflects all that I am and where I've been. I love mixing cultures and seeing what happens. 


  1. Sounds like an intriguing read, Caroline. One to download, methinks. Thanks for sharing and for bringing this blog to my attention.

  2. Interesting post. Thank you, Monica.
    Love the sound of Caroline's book - the mix of themes and cultures. (Love her biog, too!)

  3. Ooh, this sounds intriguing. Thank-you Monica for bringing it to my attention. I shall definitely put it on my 'to read' list.

  4. Thanks for stopping by June and Lizzie. Isn't Monica is fabulous :)

  5. Sounds like a good plot, intriguing and emotional - everything we love. Added to my must read list.

  6. I'm getting this, you convinced me Monica


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