Saturday, April 4, 2015

Maybe Baby & Maybe Tonight by Kim Golden

Imagine finding out you could never have a baby with the man you love... 

Expat American Laney Halliwell finds out the hard way when Niklas tells her he had a vasectomy before they met and isn't interested in reversing it. Why should he? They've got his kids from his first marriage and an enviable life in Stockholm. 

What if you fell in love in the most unexpected way...? 

But Laney wants more. So when a friend suggests she look into an alternative sperm bank in Copenhagen to find a potential father for her baby, things don't go exactly as planned. Especially when Laney meets Mads and finds herself falling in love.

I shouldn't have stayed. 
Ida let me use one of the more comfortable rooms, where there was a touchscreen monitor set up for virtual viewing of donors and the staff impression reports of them. I probably spent an hour browsing and seeing no one who clicked for me, and then I stopped. The man in the cafe was donor DK-101 52 7315, Mads Rasmussen. Mads. His video revealed that he lived in Copenhagen, and worked as a carpenter and furniture maker. He was single. And his voice was delicious. 
I couldn't understand everything he said—my Danish wasn't very good—but he was sexy in that hipster way I'd always thought I hated. He had the most interesting face; not quite symmetrical, with gorgeous, sensual lips and a slow sexy smile. If this were a dating site, I would have sent him an email immediately and requested a date. But I wasn't single. I had Niklas. And I wasn't here for a new partner. I was here looking for someone to be the father of my children. And, if I was honest, I wanted Mads to be that man.
I watched his video three more times, then made myself stop. I was behaving like a love-struck teenager. No, no, no. I stood up a little too quickly, and nearly knocked over my chair. I needed to walk out of here. Staying didn't really feel like an option anymore. I'd screened his video four times. I'd let myself imagine him being the father of my children without even having Niklas anywhere in the picture. 
I looked out the window, expecting to see outside but it overlooked the mezzanine and, below, the area set up for the mingle. A few people had already arrived and were being handed drinks by the wait staff. The icy receptionist was there, too. Was she also a Client Services Specialist? I stepped away from the window and tried to figure out what to do. Stay or go? 
Staying meant opening myself to something more than I'd bargained for. Or was I jumping the gun? I'd only seen the man's picture and watched his video. There was no guarantee he would even show up tonight, and maybe I would feel the opposite of attraction once I spoke to him. I didn't need to feel attracted to him to think he could be a good donor for me. All that mattered was that he was healthy and his sperm quality was good. According to the reports in his file, he was stellar material. That was all I needed to think about. I was not going into this like I was approaching a long-term relationship. I mean, even the website said the only time donors met the recipients was at the mingle, and possibly one or two more occasions in between to sign paperwork. 
I was safe. Niklas and I were safe. I just had to make sure it stayed that way.

 The face staring back at me was ruggedly handsome, with the square jaw and cheekbones of a young Viggo Mortensen. His lips were full and generous, curled into a knowing smile. He was looking directly into the camera, and there was something almost too candid in his pale blue eyes, like he knew what you were thinking and was game for whatever you suggested.
“Wow,” was the only word I could breathe out. I swallowed hard and quickly handed Eddy’s phone back to her.
“Wow, indeed,” Eddy said and laughed lightly. “Uma says he’s worth every penny she pays. Well, you’ve seen her kids. They’re gorgeous.”
“And she found him in Copenhagen?”
Eddy nodded. “He’s one of the donors at Copenhagen Cryo.”
I shook my head in wonder. No wonder Uma kept going back for more. Sure there was nothing sexual going on between them, but there must have been some spark that made her decide he was the right donor for her.

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About Kim:

Kim Golden was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1995, she left the US and moved to Sweden for love with a capital L. When she isn't writing fiction, she writes copy for a Swedish cosmetics firm. 

She writes stories for people who know that love comes in every color.

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