Saturday, July 9, 2016

Land of Shadows (Detective Elouise Norton #1) by Rachel Howzell Hall & New Features coming!

I love looking through people's bookshelves. It's always interesting to see what other people collect. Book tastes are very individual and they can give you a little peak into someone's personality. Looking through other's books often leads to me adding more things to my own bookshelf, ebook collection, and yes, my massively long TBR list. I am currently rebuilding my physical book collection so I thought that it would be fun to start featuring books that I buy here on the blog. I seriously need to organize and find shelving for all of the stacks of books that I have as well. It's getting ridiculous around here. I'll be posting about what's on my bookshelf regularly, hopefully most Saturdays. I can't promise every Saturday because that's just the kiss of death around here! I am also going to start doing book hauls here on the blog. I shop Goodwill a LOT and snoop out some great finds that I would love to share with you guys, so those posts should be coming soon. I just did my first local library book sale and bought three bags full of goodness that I want to share. For now, here's the first feature for On Monica's Bookshelf.

Land of Shadows was one of my book bargain buys that I ordered from an Amazon vendor. It was one of those buy the book for a penny and pay $3.99 shipping deals. I love buying hardback books this way because it's an amazing deal. Don't be leery of using these vendors, I have had really good experiences using them. Their business depends on customer feedback, so if there is an issue I have found them more than willing to work with you to resolve them as quickly as possible. I had one book come in damaged from shipping and that vendor refunded my money within an hour or so, which I couldn't believe. If I'm buying used I always try to get the 'very good' copies and most of the time they are like new. 

Happy Reading!

(My three bags of library book sale goodies!)

(This is what my bargain copy of Land of Shadows looks like-ain't she pretty?)

Along the ever changing border of gentrifying Los Angeles, seventeen year old Monique Darson is found dead at a condominium construction site, hanging in the closet of an unfinished unit. Homicide detective Elouise "Lou" Norton's new partner, Colin Taggert, fresh from the comparatively bucolic Colorado Springs police department, assumes it's a teenage suicide. Lou isn't buying the easy explanation.

For one thing, the condo site is owned by Napoleon Crase, a self made millionaire. . .and the man who may have murdered Lou's missing sister, Tori, thirty years ago. As Lou investigates the death of Monique Darson, she uncovers undeniable links between the two cases. But her department is skeptical. Lou is convinced that when she solves Monique's case she will finally bring her lost sister home. But as she gets closer to the truth, she also gets closer to a violent killer. After all this time, can he be brought to justice. . .before Lou becomes his next victim?

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