Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reading Withdrawal & Living in Limbo

Happy Tuesday everyone! I am finally settled into TLF (temporary living facility) here at our new duty station in New Mexico after what seemed to be a very long journey! Things were so crazy during our pack out and move that I forgot to take pictures of the chaos. But it's done, all of my belongings have gone into the mysterious void that is military household holdings, and the hubby, daughter #2, and myself are in TLF until our house is available sometime around the second week of June. Moving every few years can be stressful, but I try to look at it as a new adventure that gives me life experiences that will provide lots of stories down the line. 

We haven't had much down time lately. We went from Arkansas to New Mexico with an overnight stop in Oklahoma. We spent one night in New Mexico then continued on to Colorado to meet up with Daughter #2 to pack her out of her dorm, and then we finally caravaned our way back to New Mexico. Yep, five days and four of them were spent mostly in the car. Needless to say, I was DONE with the driving! Luckily, my Bubba really enjoys riding in the car and didn't mind being in strange hotels, so at least I didn't have to deal with a cranky dog to boot!

Now that I am (kinda) settled, I can pick up The Ninth Rain again. According to Goodreads, I started this book on May 4th. It is now the 16th and I am only on chapter 9-page 115, and that's just sad! It is a good story so far and I plan on doing a lot of nothing today and getting much further into the story. I am most definitely going through reading withdrawal and I'm feeling the no reading jitters! Living in limbo isn't the best, but at least I can get an adjusted routine going now. There's only a one hour time difference between Arkansas and New Mexico, but because I am an early riser, my eyes are popping open at around 4:30 a.m. instead of 5:30-not good! If I were a truly productive and dedicated person I could go over to the base gym and get my exercise on, but of course I chose to make coffee, read a little, and then had the idea of doing this blog post instead. That's still productive, right? 

I hope to be back in the swing of things with reviewing and posting new releases now. I'll share a few pictures from my travels over the last week below. If you don't yet follow me on Instagram, you should! I post random pictures there regularly! ;)

My sweet Bubba sleeps like a baby anytime that he is in the car for more than twenty minutes!

Route 66 was down the street from our hotel, so I had to snap a few pictures of the roadside attractions.

A trio of wooden cowboys standing guard outside of a roadside store in New Mexico. 

This lovely mug was received on Mother's Day. My family has jokes, but the joke's on them because it's more true than not! 

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