Monday, June 5, 2017

Blues Triumphant by Jonterri Gadson

I saw this absolutely stunningly beautiful book on Kendra Winchester's YouTube channel and fell in love with it. I am not a poetry reader, but I am seriously considering getting this book just so I can look at it and have it on my bookshelf! Crazy, I know, but it's true! Although my first reaction to this book of poetry was purely aesthetic, the theme of the poems sound intriguing as well. Blues Triumphant came out last year, and although it doesn't have very many reviews on Goodreads or Amazon, the ones posted are all favorable. If you are a poetry lover, go check out this beautiful book!

The poems in Blues Triumphant ask the question, “What am I most afraid to say?” and then these poems say it. Blues Triumphant is about triumph in spite of motherhood’s demands, in spite of family dysfunction, in spite of depression and anxiety, in spite of heartbreak, in spite of racism and identity crises, in spite of it all, seeking, finding and celebrating the spaces where one feels most alive.


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