Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Daughters of NRI-Whispers Of Shadow & Flame-The Good Luck Girls: Reviews

It's a good day for fantasy readers with three new stories releasing just in time for fall TBRs. I hope that you'll try out one of these new releases. 

***I received ARCs of all of these in exchange for an honest review.***

Daughters of NRI is the story of twins separated shortly after birth because of a cruel law and their parallel journeys to find each other while figuring out their magics and potentials. Because of their powers and who they really are threatens the power of the ruler who happens to be a demon in denial of who his is and the role he plays both girls suffer tragedy, loss, and physical dangers. This is a YA story I'd recommend for teen readers and YA fans.


A gruesome war results in the old gods' departure from earth. The only remnants of their existence lie in two girls. Twins, separated at birth. Goddesses who grow up believing that they are human. Daughters Of Nri explores their epic journey of self-discovery as they embark on a path back to one another.

Strong-willed Naala grows up seeking adventure in her quiet and small village. While the more reserved Sinai resides in the cold and political palace of Nri. Though miles apart, both girls share an indestructible bond: they share the same blood, the same face, and possess the same unspoken magic, thought to have vanished with the lost gods.

The twin girls were separated at birth, a price paid to ensure their survival from Eze Ochichiri, the man who rules the Kingdom of Nri. Both girls are tested in ways that awaken a mystical, formidable power deep within themselves. Eventually, their paths both lead back to the mighty Eze.

But can they defeat the man who brought the gods themselves to their knees?

Whispers Of Shadow & Flame features Darvyn and Kyara who are both strong characters dealing with insecurities, fears, and huge responsibilities that neither feel confident in fulfilling. In this second book of the series the collapsing of the Mantle that separates Elsira and Lagrimar is imminent and war is on the horizon. This is fantasy with nice world building and would be a good book to transition from reading YA fantasy to adult fantasy. The main characters are fairly young but are not angst ridden. You also do not need to have read book one to enjoy this one.


The Mantle that separates the kingdoms of Elsira and Lagrimar is about to fall. And life will drastically change for both kingdoms.

Born with a deadly magic she cannot control, Kyara is forced to become an assassin. Known as the Poison Flame in the kingdom of Lagrimar, she is notorious and lethal, but secretly seeks freedom from both her untamed power and the blood spell that commands her. She is tasked with capturing the legendary rebel called the Shadowfox, but everything changes when she learns her target’s true identity.

Darvyn ol-Tahlyro may be the most powerful Earthsinger in generations, but guilt over those he couldn’t save tortures him daily. He isn’t sure he can trust the mysterious young woman who claims to need his help, but when he discovers Kyara can unlock the secrets of his past, he can’t stay away.

Kyara and Darvyn grapple with betrayal, old promises, and older prophecies—all while trying to stop a war. And when a new threat emerges, they must beat the odds to save both kingdoms.

The Good Luck Girls is a YA fantasy with a western setting featuring five girls determined to take back their autonomy after one of the girls accidentally kills a man. There's solid world building and magic. Character development is done in a way that seems to indicate more individual depth will be developed in later books. Although this is YA it does start off in a "welcome house" (brothel) where these girls do not have a choice in what they are made to do so this is not one I would give to a younger teen.


Aster, the protector
Violet, the favorite
Tansy, the medic
Mallow, the fighter
Clementine, the catalyst


The country of Arketta calls them Good Luck Girls--they know their luck is anything but. Sold to a "welcome house" as children and branded with cursed markings. Trapped in a life they would never have chosen.

When Clementine accidentally murders a man, the girls risk a dangerous escape and harrowing journey to find freedom, justice, and revenge in a country that wants them to have none of those things. Pursued by Arketta's most vicious and powerful forces, both human and inhuman, their only hope lies in a bedtime story passed from one Good Luck Girl to another, a story that only the youngest or most desperate would ever believe.

It's going to take more than luck for them all to survive.

1 comment:

  1. I read lots of great books and I really want to share my thoughts with them, and also keep records of my own reading. Any expirenced readers out there that can help? Thanks!


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