Monday, March 2, 2020

Crime Writers Of Color

(Image Belongs to Crime Writers Of Color)

It's good to be back blogging! My first post back after my hiatus is one that I hope many will find useful. So many people are looking for a place where they can find lists that contain books that feature more diversity and Crime Writers Of Color is a site that has books and authors in just about any category of mystery that a reader could want. 

From their "About" page:

Crime Writers of Color is a group of over 170 of today and tomorrow’s crime writers of color. It was founded by award winning authors Walter Mosley, Gigi Pandian, and Kellye Garrett in June of 2018.

CWoC has a comprehensive book catalog that is easily accessible and printable! 

Yes, I am that book nerd who will print out a good list, highlight the ones I already own, and I will be going back and marking the ones that I want next! Don't judge me, it's called buying with intent. I love sweet sweet rationalization, ;) The catalog is divided into categories like sub-genres and even ethnicity which makes me all kinds of happy. I am good at reading books from Black authors, but I want to expand into other cultures as well and CWoC provides a good place for me to start looking. 

Some of the authors that I have featured and reviewed here on the blog are part of CWoC. These are all books that I really enjoyed. I have continued all of the series by these authors that I started and I am anxiously awaiting a follow up book for A KILLING FIRE, because that ending, woo! 

There are many more authors on the CWoC list that I have read and enjoyed like two of my faves Rachel Howzell Hall and Walter Mosley but I don't want to make this post crazy long. Please give the above authors a look, a follow, and buy one of their books. You can thank me later!

Where To Find Crime Writers Of Color


  1. Thank you so much for this post! I love seeing how readers are using the CWOC books list, and I'm so glad some of your favorites are on there.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! I love the sight.

  2. Such a great post! I'm delighted you are finding so many dynamite authors to enjoy on this listing. And a big Thank you for mentioning my mystery series!

  3. I truly appreciate this as one who also prints (or copies longhand) lists of books to check off.

    1. Thanks for stopping by the blog! There's nothing like a good list. ;)


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