Monday, September 9, 2013

Worth the Price by Delilah Hunt Review

Well, not really. This is the length of a novella at only 169 pages and it's $3.99 at Amazon. The price isn't awful but for what you get story wise I don't think it's worth the price.(Pun intended) The premise of the story is fine. Danika agrees to marry the outsider rancher Brandon, a tall dark Irish rancher. Danika's father believes that all of his problems stem from Brandon swooping up a property from under him. Danika agrees to marry Brandon in order to get financial help for her father and things happen from there. I'm not really sure why I didn't care for the characters in this story, but there just seemed to be something missing. 

This is one of those times where I am actually ambivalent which doesn't happen to me very often. I didn't hate it I just didn't particularly enjoy it. Ms Hunt has 5 other titles listed and is a contributor in a menage anthology, however all of her books are under 200 pages and all hover at the $5 price point except for this one and I for one won't usually pay that much for an hour worth of entertainment.

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