Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Theirs to Keep (Tangled Hearts Trilogy Book 1) by Maya Banks

The long awaited first book in the Tangled Hearts series is out today and it is a bargain at only $5.99 for a new release. Banks has discussed on her Facebook page that this is a self published book and that she wants to prove that authors success is due to the fans not necessarily the push that large publishers do to promote a new book. I really  like that she is doing this to prove that you can have quality fiction at a reasonable price and do it as a self published author. I know that I have been hemming and hawing over whether or not to read this because it's a menage, but I am taking the plunge and if you're taking it too let me know and we can form a first time menagers (is that a word?) support group! I'll be checking back in with a review soon. In the meantime, here's what Banks had to say about the upcoming release yesterday:

With the release of THEIRS TO KEEP in less than 24 hours I wanted to take the opportunity to once again tell you how much you guys mean to me.

I chose to self publish this trilogy as a THANK YOU to my wonderful, awesome readers. By self publishing it, I have control over pricing and geographic restrictions etc.

This is a very special trilogy, one that is near and dear to my heart and I'm hoping that you guys will love it as much as I do because I wrote and published it for YOU.

Your support is invaluable to me! And I KNOW that this book will kick ass because how could it do anything else with you guys so solidly behind me!

This book will be PROOF that I don't need a publisher in order to have a "successful" book and that the REAL reason for ALL my books success isn't because of any one publisher but because of YOU the readers. Y'all are the ones who put my books on the bestseller lists.

So I'm urging you to get out and show y'all's support one more time for THEIRS TO KEEP and prove that YOU and only YOU are the reason for my success as an author. It's not ME. I can only write the book. The rest? Is SOLELY up to YOU the reader. YOU are what makes a book and an author successful. Without YOU, none of my success as an author would be possible and I can never hope to find the words to express my deep gratitude for all of the love and loyalty you've shown to me over the years.

So THEIRS TO KEEP and the entire Tangled Hearts Trilogy is my gift to you. Lower price. I made SURE it would be available in print, though it is a little inconvenient because it won't be available in book stores like my other titles are, but I wanted to be sure and include EVERYONE.

So thank you in advance, because I know with you guys behind me, there is NO WAY for me to fail.

So go out tomorrow, show your support for this self published book, and prove that YOU are the reason for ALL my books successes. Tell your friends and share the word because that is the single most valuable form of promotion. Word of mouth. It's priceless. Nothing is more valuable.

Love y'all bunches and I can't WAIT to see the results of y'all's unwavering love, loyalty and support. Just know that that love, loyalty and support is 100 percent reciprocated and that I love and adore you guys!!

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