Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor: Review


Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor 

One of the things that I appreciate about Okorafor's writing is her ability to completely and quickly immerse me into her stories and characters which is why she is among a handful of authors whose novellas I can count on to be satisfying. Remote Control explores how a really young girl comes to know and accept unexplained powers and the fear and reverence it brings when she doesn't understand it herself. I'm a fan of characters taking a literal and/or emotional journey in order to figure out themselves and their situations in life and in this little novella I didn't feel cheated in that there wasn't a prolonged and well explored experience. Sankofa renames herself, finds the ability to be confident even when she makes decisions that should be beyond her, and finally has to deal with something more powerful than she is. There's a lot packed into 159 pages and I know that I will be doing a reread at some point to see if I missed anything.

***I received an ARC from Tor in exchange for an honest review.***

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I read this book the moment it was release and could not put it down. It was a short, good read with colorful characters. It's a go to book for folks who enjoy Afrofuturistic genre.


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